Initially Mukherjee & Alliances India Pvt. Ltd., a company with diverse activities like Shipping, Engineering, trading etc. decided to give a new identity to its Engineering Business and thus Mukherjee & Alliances Engineers Pvt. Ltd, was formed in the year 2003. Needless to say the same technical team was retained in addition to new technical expertise whose participation in the management took the company to new heights.

The experience and expertise in design and management of various projects by way of consultancy by our highly qualified engineers and architects of unimpeachable honesty and integrity are of the top most order.

Management consultancy to us is not a matter of sitting comfortably in the office and offering advice on various aspects of a project, but actually visiting the site in question, to survey it in detail prior to undertaking the process of management which includes initiations, designing, co-ordination and implementation.

Our Board of Directors

Dipak Mazumdar


Arindam Mukherjee


Anjana Mukherjee


Our Aim

  • To cater to the specific requirements & demands of our clients keeping in view the limitations and compulsions with which they come to us & under which they expect us to perform.
  • To render our services with a personal touch and also in close consultation with the client whenever necessary or called for.
  • To ensure high quality in service in spite of all the problems that we may encounter during execution of a project.
  • To avoid abuse of environment and to adopt use of latest technology along with managerial competence and business ethics.
  • To contribute to the development of local and national prosperity through economic improvements to the maximum extent at the minimum cost in terms of time and money.

Corporate Status

Private Limited Company, incorporated in India under the Companies Act in the year 2003.